Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan is getting bolder with each film. We are not taking about the passionate scenes between him and Barbara Mori in filmKites, but Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Guzaarish. According to reports Hrithik will have intimate scenes in this film too with the supermodel-turned-actress Monikangana Dutta, who is playing his former lover. Although the scenes are not yet shot, but Hrithik will be seen kissing and making love with the debutante actress. However he doesn’t have any lip lock scenes with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan who is the main female lead of the film.
A source said, “Although Aishwarya is paired opposite Hrithik, he has intimate scenes with Monikangana. As she plays Hrithik’s former lover, Bhansali wanted their sizzling chemistry to be quite apparent. Monikangana has a small but very important role and it was imperative that she has intimate lovemaking scenes with Hrithik. Being a debutante actress, the model is nervous about her passionate scenes with the actor.”
“Initially, there was also a lip lock scene between Aishwarya and Hrithik but the director later dropped the idea as it wasn’t really necessary. The lovemaking scene between Hrithik and Monikangana is far more crucial as Bhansali wants to highlight their love for each other in his film,” the source added.
Interestingly, Hrithik’s wife Sussanne came forward to make Monikangana comfortable. She has already talked with the actress so that she should not be nervous doing the scenes. The scenes are not shot yet, but are slated to be done in the next schedule of the film in Goa in January.