You will be seeing Aishwarya Rai Bachchan for about two or three minutes in the upcoming Hollywood movie Pink Panther 2. Its a small role, compared to what she got back at home. If you compare Pink Panther 2 with Devdas or Guru, then Pink Panther is a total trash. But hey it has white guys acting in it so it’s better than any Hindi movie. When Aishwarya Rai was asked about how much footage she has in the movie she replied:
I didn’t work in ‘Pink Panther 2′ because it was an international project. I got the script. I happily chose to be part of the film. They shot exactly what I was offered. I don’t need to work with stardust in my eyes.
The choices I’ve made in my career aren’t just about footage but an opportunity to work with actors, directors and technicians who enrich my life. Believe me working in ‘Pink Panther’ was a joy.