Popular Name : Cut Tari
Full Name : Cut Tari Aminah Anasya
Born : Jakarta, 1977-11-01
: Scorpio
Biography :
Cut Tari was the third child from 4 related and this bloody Acehinese woman has carved the achievement during still in the bench of SD. She became the champion Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) the level of RW. She could study the piano and the organ, but stopped on the way. Step on 13 years, the close woman was greeted by Ully this so be fond of mejeng in front of the camera. Since childhood he had been quite happy was photographed. Her career trip in the world of the starting artist from joining the Girl's election the Cover 1991. From situla h, she had an opportunity to receive the advertisement of the product of youth cosmetics that is Very Young during 1993. At that point he was 16 years old.
Biography :